The fun parts of Saba: Hiking and Scuba
I would just like to preface this blog post by reporting that we experienced an EARTHQUAKE this weekend. It was rated a 5.2, 53km east of Anguilla. I felt my house shaking while I was sitting on my bed and I just started running because I didn't know what was going on. It wasn't until afterwards when the reports came out that we knew for sure it was an earthquake. I had never experienced anything like that in my life. I thought it was a landslide at first because there had been one near my house recently BUT it wasn't and we are all good here in my shaky concrete house. Craig's parents Alex and Liz and his sister Martha are all here for a visit so it was an experience for all of us. In other news... I am officially moving onto 5th semester! We have been celebrating by exploring Saba, drinking wine, playing cards, and doing hikes and scuba. We even did an easter egg hunt this morning. We did the Sandy Cruz hike after our exams. It was the last hike on my Sab...