What type of doctor do you want to be?
Ah, that familiar question. What type of doctor do YOU want to be? It is easily in the top 5 questions I get asked. Seriously – even by random acquaintances. The simple answer to that is that I am not really sure. I have interests, of course, but I am trying my best to keep an open mind. As I've mentioned before, I loved my family medicine rotation, which I am happy about because that was up there in what I thought I wanted to do. I like that you have a lot of freedom in what you want to focus on (urgent care, procedures, women’s health) and you get to see a little bit of everything. The 9 to 5 schedule is hard to beat, too. I don’t think I would be interested in opening my own practice though because I wouldn’t want to deal with the business side of it. So far, psychiatry has been both challenging and eye-opening. It is easy to assume that people with addictions and mental illness are worlds away from you and me, but that is simply not the case. ...