
Showing posts from March, 2016

Pediatrics in South Florida

I understand that children need to be examined to ensure they have proper care.  I understand that they sometimes need to be held down against their will to do so. I understand that their fighting is an important part of their development. I really do. But that doesn’t mean that forcing a tongue depressor into a child's mouth or an otoscope into their ear while they scream bloody murder is any easier. My lack of exposure to young children has made me slightly awkward in their presence. Will they like me? Will their parents think I am a good fit to be caring for their child? As it turns out, a little practice interacting with them and lots of silly faces was all I needed to gain some confidence and learn more about what makes them cooperate and what makes them more comfortable. Seeing Craig with kids is another story. He makes it look so easy. Even with painfully awkward adolescents. This fills me with a combination of envy that he is a natural and joy knowing that he will ...