Interview Trail
The Interview Trail This blog post is for the friends and family who follow my personal journey. The post that follows this (U.S. Residency Application Advice) will be for prospective residency applicants. So the match system, for those who don't know, is a process where many applicants interview at many different programs. Then the applicant (ie. me) ranks all the programs in a list based on where I want to go for residency. Then the programs rank all the applicants in a list based on who they want to hire. Then in March, all the lists by the applicants and the programs countrywide goes into a computer system and we get "matched" together based on our preferences. So if my first choice program has me as their first choice applicant, then we get matched together and I go there for residency. If my first choice doesn't pick me near the top of their list, then I could end up at the 2nd, 3rd, etc ranked program depending on which program wants me. It's a confu...