Getting ready to go

We received our schedule and I am starting with obstetrics! I am so excited to deliver all the new babies. I am looking forward to starting so much that the nerves haven't set in yet, but I know they will once we get closer. I mostly worry about not knowing what to treat someone with and/or forgetting something in their management. I feel secure in the thought that I will be monitored particularly closely for the first 6 months and even after that I will have more experienced doctors around me whenever I need support. I was thinking this was a pretty typical response to starting my first big girl doctor job, but after talking to some of my peers, I've realized that we all worry about slightly different things. We are doing 2 weeks of orientation starting mid-June then start on service beginning of July. Our first year schedule will be 3 months of family medicine inpatient, 1 month family medicine outpatient, 2 months internal medicine inpatient, 3 months of pediatrics...