A few months "off"

A few words and photos from the months before leaving for residency . . . You live your life a little differently when you know you a leaving soon. My workshop of crafts went from a brainstorming centre with multiple projects partly completed to a place that is winding down with each finished piece. I am finishing books that need to be returned. I am visiting people that I'm not sure I will see again for a while. I am so fortunate enough to be able to see both my siblings and all the Jennings siblings before I leave. This blog post is a mishmash of the time I've been able to spend at over since finishing school in December. I say that I have this time "off" with air quotes because there is so much logistic prep and medical board studying happening alongside the fun stuff. It's been grand but eventually we all need to return to a normal work schedule. I can't stress enough how happy I am that I am not in med school rotations right up until starting res...