Block week again! Our second set of exams (Block II) are on Monday and Tuesday of next week. In the meantime, I was very excited to receive a care package from Maman! Most eventful part of my life this week. She sent lots of snacks - pringles, doritos, tostitos, almonds, mini eggs (they didn’t last long), brownies, jelly beans, etc – as well as spices, Puffs (with lotion), candles, cute sticky notes, and my favourite yellow shirt that I missed while packing. The best part though was the mail and the cards. I have the cards up in my room now. Yay! As a general note, I love all your messages and e-mails and I’m sorry if I don’t get back to you right away. That’s the main reason I created this blog – so I could let everyone know that I was alive and well and all that even if I didn’t have the time to chat. Melissa's man came for a visit this past weekend. He brought me a sleeve of caramilk bars so of course I was an instant fan. They tried to fish for goats using ...