Saba life

Block weekend is around the corner once again.

We found a great 3-bedroom apartment with an amazing view for next semester. We also found the perfect little car to zip around in that we will be getting in April/May once we move out of the dorms. Big thanks to Ryan and Amy for all their help.

My histology group did our presentation last Monday morning. We did the Determination of Rickets. It is an intimidating thing to stand in front of so many brilliant minds and pretend that I know what I’m doing, but it went well and I’m happy it is out of the way now.
Did I mention I dissected a human scrotum on Valentine’s day? Good times.
Beverly's 23rd birthday was on Saturday so Phung and I baked a cake and cupcakes for her and they were delicious.
I also received a care package from Daniel this week! Always exciting to receive a piece of home.
I already added a similar picture to this one but I liked Sarah’s version better so I am posting it again. J


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