
I am pleased to report that I passed all my block 1 exams of second semester! Physiology was my highest mark which is good because it is supposed to be the hardest class and its good to have a bit of a buffer.

We are now being taught biochem by a pediatrician which is awesome. She breaks everything down in such a simple way. And hearing her say the words "I'm a visual learner" is music to my ears because that is perfect for me.

I had my Doctor-Patient Relationship oral/skills exams yesterday. We each got assigned a few skills to do and they ask you questions. I got to listen for heart sounds with the stethoscope and do a test for tennis elbow. My partner did the lungs so I got to be the patient for that one. It was formal too so I got to wear my white dress and my white coat.

Ryan did some cooking for us (BBQ and pasta) before we wrote exams and Craig made chicken alfredo tonight. So delicious... and probably my turn to cook. Simple recipe ideas are always welcome!!

I'll leave you with some wise words from my physio prof today: It doesn't matter how healthy you eat or how much you work out because you're going to die anyways.
Inspiring. And hilarious.
Papaya tree by our deck

Sun peeking out through the clouds
Modified version of "Mexican Baked Penne"



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