I PASSED I PASSED I PASSED! There has been so much hype surrounding third semester that I made sure to give that extra push over the past 2 weeks... and it worked! I was certainly happy to see that passing mark pop up on my screen after micro, but I appreciated it even more when I heard so many people say that they failed. And then, even though micro is the hardest, several people sacrificed the other classes for it and then failed neuro or psyc. I found out later that I scored above average on all 3 exams. Of course I could have done better but I feel like I am off to a good start. I am now re-motivated for block 2. I know a few of you were surprised to get a snapchat from me of my now very obvious black eye. So I figured it would be easier to explain here. The short story is that we were playing around wrestling at the house and I got a knee in the face. I went to the doctor the next morning because I was feeling dizzy and I wasn't sure that it would pass in time for my exams...