The notorious third semester has begun.

As an update… my 2 week break was great. I spent time in different towns around the province and enjoyed lots of family time. We went boating, kayaking, and hiking. We went to the beach, shopping, and to a dinner theatre. I ate Mom’s home cooking, lobster with Dad, and food from my favourite restaurants. And Laura got engaged!! Big congrats to my bestie on that one. Some pictures of my vacay to follow in another post.

We are back in our same house the 3 of us. The boys and the house are both still good. I write this because I often get asked how my roommates are. We are still doing some cooking together and they aren’t dirty like you might imagine boys to be! Many people moved around due to location/mold/roommate issues for this semester so I am pretty happy that my living situation is working out.

Of course, I just celebrated a birthday this weekend! It started off with Thomas stopping by to bring fresh baked goods from the bakery. I didn't get the camera out until after we ate a few. Obviously the chocolate croissant did not make it.

Then Craig made me breakfast!
I had a few cards/gifts left to open from my family besides the ones I got when I was home
(Thanks guys!!)

Boys baked a chocolate cake for me! They did good.

Then we went out to dinner a group of us.
Me with the girls.

Me with the boys.



And Phung/Bev/Natasha baked me a second cake!!

Thanks to everyone who made it a good day!!


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