Diwali + update

I have been so fortunate to experience and learn about different cultures during my time studying abroad - and last weekend was no exception. We celebrated Diwali (the Festival of Lights) which is a Hindu/Sikh holiday. Trincy lent me an outfit - it was burgundy pants with a gold embellished dress. It also had a matching shawl that Trincy said was intended to cover the breasts but that no one actually does that. I thought that was pretty funny. There was a dinner and classical Bollywood dancing and even the profs got up to do a performance. Big thanks to everyone involved for inviting us to celebrate with you!
The King and Queen of the Netherlands were here on Thursday. They drove by our house and then we watched them fly out. There were people and activities everywhere including a Parade of Flags. The parade included over 40 countries with both locals and students. Not bad for an island of less than 2000.
It is block weekend yet again right now. 3 exams on Monday - micro, neuro, psyc. And perfect timing - my computer died. It is in with IT right now but they gave me hope that I would get it back in a functional state. In the meantime, I am using Ryan's back up computer which has been an absolute life saver.
We also had our clinical skills exam for our Doctor-Patient Relationship course this week. It went really well and my prof complimented me on my palpating technique. These exams are my favourite because they remind me why I want to be a doctor and give me that extra push of motivation. I do appreciate the learning experience that the classroom gives, but what I really want to be doing is working with patients. I am so looking forward to clinical rotations.
Some pictures of Diwali!




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