March update

I received my RLRA topic this week! It is: Behavioural and screening tools in adolescents. I was assigned to Dr. P as my mentor which I am actually thrilled about because she has been one of my favourite profs since second semester. I look forward to working with her to develop this topic.

If you keep up with the blog then you know that I just returned from St. Maarten/Anguilla so this  post-exam blog is a tad delayed but here is the update...

We just wrote block 3 which was very bittersweet. I felt so confident writing path and physical diagnosis, but pharm was so frustrating. Apparently it wasn’t just me who struggled with pharm because they ended up curving our marks by 10 points. I don’t know the details but you know something went seriously wrong when they do that.

After exams, we went out for a hike on the Spring Bay trail with a few beer along the way. (Side note: don’t try hiking a mountain while tipsy and dehydrated in 30 degree weather – you will struggle to make it back.) About an hour in, we ended up at a beach that just appeared recently and it was like our own private spot. The boys threw the football around and got into the water, but I just sat in the sand and relaxed. Then we walked back towards the road and Dimitri came to pick us up so we didn’t have to walk the whole way back on the road.

After the hike, we went down to The Cove for a few drinks until the sun went down. Then we went to Swinging Doors for some BBQ ribs. Always a great meal there.

Craig’s birthday was last week so I made Chelsea’s famous French toast (using her recipe written in French), aero bar squares (with ingredients from my care package), and Mexican baked penne (by request). I decided to do the cooking thing instead of the party thing because he likes to eat more than he likes attention.

Speaking of food… that is one thing I love about having a multicultural group of friends. There was an Indian/Pakistani food sale as a fundraiser last weekend so we had that for a late lunch. I’m not too sure I’m sold on that spectrum of flavours, but still fun to try. I got some familiar foods from my care package from Mom though – donair sauce and my favourite soup. Plus clothes! Bonus!

In a little rougher shape then it left Canada I imagine...


Ryan’s parent visited this block for a few days here then a few days on St. Maarten. And his mom liked it so much that she is back again! She whipped up a massive pot (like think of a lobster pot) of pasta sauce which was delicious. And she brought muffins!  Maybe my dad will come sometime this spring/summer and bring me some food too… hint hint :).


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