5th Semester

This semester has been pretty uneventful as far as social gatherings go, but we still take the one afternoon after exams off. I am still undergoing post-vacation detox so now I am thinking I will wait to retox until after the Exit Exam.

After Block 1, Craig and Sara and I explored the Tide Pools. I’ve done it before but it is so beautiful and unique that it is worth doing again. Afterwards, we grabbed some pizza from SeaWitch and then headed to Steph’s with the rest of our group of friends.

After Block 2, we had a BBQ on the beach at the Cove. People went snorkeling and we threw the football around. These are the types of days that I think I will look back on happily after I leave here. There are not many places in the world where you can have a beach party any day of the year.

I was asked to take the photos for our class yearbook this semester so I did that recently. It is always interesting to watch people’s reactions to having their photo taken. I think they all turned out well. I am excited about seeing the yearbook in print.

I had my hospital day for this semester, which ended up being pretty eventful with scheduled appointments and emergency cases. We present handover reports to our class about patients we see so I did mine on a woman who had a myocardial infarction (also known as a heart attack). I also did another presentation about Breath Sounds recently. I did it in front of our Pulmonologist prof which was a bit nerve wracking but I think it went well.

We completed CPR for health professionals a few weeks ago, which ended up being pretty fun because we had a really good group. Chelsea and I named our dummy Ralph and I think Farah killed her fake baby.

I have been keeping up with the cooking and trying new things. It is one of my few activities I get to pursue on a day-to-day basis. I’ve made fish cakes and Israeli couscous and sweet potato casserole and I finally got onto the quinoa bandwagon. And Craig's new favourites - Pad Thai and copycat Big Macs. 
One great foodie thing about this time of year is that a lot of the fruits are in! And Craig being adventurous is a bonus because he is always coming home with bags of mangos. Literally – bags of them. We are waiting on the avocado tree next to our house now, which should be good to go within the month. And there is also starfruit, which makes the perfect plate decoration with Saturday morning pancakes.

Right now I am re-doing all the courses that I’ve done over the last 5 semesters and doing practice questions in addition to my 2 official classes. It is overwhelming and frustrating and yet comforting and fun studying familial material. I am determined to finally master bacteriology and the physiology of the heart. I did a full practice exam this past weekend and it went well so hopefully the upward trend continues!

Here is a side note to show you my new pet.
This little guy came in the house for a visit...

This is our final week of classes and then we will be 5 weeks out from the big test day! Wish me luck!



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