Florida Keys

We did a road trip to Key West over the May long weekend. It was a beautiful 1800's style town. A lot of the old architecture was preserved so it was truly a unique place to visit. The drive through all the keys itself was incredible on the Overseas Highway. We rented bikes and were able to explore the entire island. We beach hopped, ate at a beachside restaurant, visited the Southernmost point in the continental USA, and ate key lime pie from the place that it originated. A perfect day in South Florida.

Southernmost point in the continental USA

State Park 


The birthplace of key lime pie. Delicious.
Feat. Craig & our bikes.

Greetings from Key West!

Where to next?

Exploring Key West

Beaches, trolleys, and scooters

 Overseas Highway from the road

Aerial view of the Overseas Highway (from Pinterest)


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