The Big Easy

New Orleans (aka The Big Easy) has officially won me over. I recommend that everyone who gets half a chance to visit this city to do it. All our visitors have made comments like "This is nothing like real life" and "I have never been anywhere like this."

Some pictures from Dad's trip to NOLA - So great to have him here!
We drove through the areas that were hit the worst by Katrina
Still deserted houses with the hurricane markings

The Rebuild
by the Make It Right Foundation founded by Brad Pitt
Other celebrities involved include Angelina Jolie, Oprah, and Ellen DeGeneres
The project's intentions were to build environmentally friendly homes but unfortunately the "green" products have been unable to withstand the humid conditions of New Orleans and are now rotting
The whole story is very interesting - you can read more about the project at

Sign showing where we were standing
All you can see of the surrounding houses is the roofs

Mississippi River 
& St Louis Cathedral

 Street performers

Horse carriage tour

Our fav band of the day 
& Carousel Bar

Enjoying some jazz music, beignets, pianos, and beers


Hurricane at Pat O's 
& one of the characters of Bourbon Street

Second Line Dance (when a wedding party makes a parade through New Orleans)
& another street band

NOLA with Craig and Tom!
Our Airbnb & Bourbon Cowboy

Had a blast

Throwing beads from balconies 
& parties at all hours of the day


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