We Matched!

Craig and I are so thrilled to have couple matched in Family Medicine at Florida Hospital in Orlando, Florida.
We decided that it was our first choice on the interview day and never looked back.
I feel like it was made for me.

We had this extensive checklist of things we were looking for in a program, but when we walked into this hospital, it was as if they showed us exactly what we didn't know we were looking for.

We spent Match Day (also St. Patty's Day) at Dad's.
It was one day but it made every other day worth it.
Dad had the red wine poured and ready to go while we waited for the e-mail.
My e-mail came in about 30 seconds before Craig's so here is each of us after finding out.
The relief and excitement was beyond words. I am so happy!

Those of you who have heard me talk about the interview process have certainly heard me gush about this interview. The 2 hospitals we will work in are new and beautiful and the children's hospital is sponsored by Disney so the displays and technology are simply amazing. Little things like having each floor with a different scent and the kids being able to choose what to project onto their walls (like a beach scene) were just so cool.

We saw lots of familiar faces on the interview trail and it was always interesting to me how people were thinking of ranking their programs. We met people who were ranking some of the same programs higher or lower than we were even though we all interviewed together. I suppose that a lot of it comes down to your personal preferences and what locations work for you.

Although Orlando was obviously one of the further programs distance-wise, we felt that it was actually pretty accessible because there are direct flights from Halifax to Orlando and it would be an attractive spot for people to vacation. Hello visitors!
We want to get a 2 bedroom place so that we can host family and friends, but that will probably be something that we will do in second and third years since first year is supposed to be so busy.

It was so much fun checking my phone (during both the Canadian and American match days) and social media to find out where my friends and classmates were headed.
I must brag that I have some pretty impressive friends. My heart is so full for them!
Obviously I am equally as disappointed along with those who did not match. Hang in there you guys!

Florida Hospital is faith-based and apparently when the hospital surveyed patients, the patients said that they would like to have their spiritual health incorporated into their care, so sometimes there will be a pastor on hospital rounds with us. He can break off the group if someone wants additional guidance especially after receiving bad news. I thought that model of patient care was really interesting. Very patient-focused.

One of my favourite parts of the program is that we get to work in a large tertiary care hospital (the second biggest hospital in the U.S.) with other resident groups AND a smaller community hospital where we are the only residency program.
I also loved that the residents kept emphasizing how amazing the faculty were.
And that there was a lot of opportunity to practice obstetrics.
I really believed that I would come out of this program as the best doctor I could possibly be.

Oh, and the food is really good. ;)

Florida Hospital

Winter Park Memorial Hospital

There will be 12 of us in our intern class.
7 American medical grads and 5 international medical grads.
3 from Saba and 2 from our sister school (MUA). Represent!
There are actually 3 couple matches in the group. 6 of 12!
The program's Facebook group uploaded this picture of all of us:

They also uploaded a really sweet video of the room cheering and welcoming us.

I have been pouring over the website, my notes from the interview day, and the e-mails the program sent us just itching to know more. 

I would also like to welcome any of you back after my blog hiatus during application season. 
(There are still a few posts during that time because I wanted to continue to document my experience, but the blog was set on "private.")

Now to work out our visas, our start date, where we are going to live, and the logistics of travelling down there!


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