
Graduation marks the official end to my four years spent in medical school. It has been an unbelievable journey.

I achieved a goal that I set my sights to at 3 years old. When people ask me if I am surprised that this day finally came, I say no. This is because I have always visualized myself as a physician, and in a way, this is simply one step among many others along this lifelong path.

A million thanks to my family (significant others and in laws included) who have been a steady and positive presence. Looking forward to our visits together often helped me get through long stretches of continuous work. My family network has grown so much!
The amazing women who have been with me (mostly long distance) over these recent years have not once complained about my hectic schedule and have been there to remind me of my strengths and also to remind me of who I am outside of medicine. 
I have made peace with the idea that there are people from my past who will not be part of my future, by either my choice or theirs, and that is okay.
My classmates and colleagues have acted as sounding boards and emotional support. I have felt your frustrations and your victories so deeply as I know you have for me. There have been many frantic conversations with the girls while waiting for the match and a few fun meet ups with our surgery group. One of my favourite memories from Saba was the day of the histology exam at the end of first semester when my friends, who all knew that I was struggling in that class, were waiting for me both outside the testing center and in my apartment. Telling them my score was one very happy and proud moment. Shout out to Craig for coaching me through every single damn thing there was to learn about cells.
That studying partnership and strong friendship became something even more beautiful as the years went on. I remember after the first week on the island, I said to him: "Can you believe we have only known each other for 7 days?" If only I knew then of the life that we would build off of that instant connection.

I have learned to specify what exactly it is that I am passionate about in an unapologetic way. This includes safe and affordable access to health care and equal rights and safety of women. 
Living in working in diverse communities, watching documentaries, and reading articles has forced me out of my rose-colored glasses which has it's good and it's bad sides. Currently, I am learning about the impact of my day-to-day choices on our planet.

This is not how I ever pictured that my education would take place, but I wouldn't trade one second of it for a path that was any easier. The interesting places that I've lived and visited have broadened my mind and the people that I've met and loved along the way have changed my life.

Graduation ceremony
Providence, Rhode Island

The January's!


Stole these 2 pics from Farah!

Our group got rowdy in the uber

Framed degrees 

Graduation/Going away party
I should have taken pictures with all the guests but I was too excited and distracted to remember!


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