First and foremost - a big congrats out to Daniel for getting a 100% full-year contract as a phys-ed teacher in Pugwash, Nova Scotia for 2013-14! We are now full-swing into block 3. This is supposed to be on par with block 2 for difficulty, but then it is supposed to get a little easier for block 4 and 5. Then we write shelf exams for physio and biochem which are standardized tests. As per my update about different profs and different teaching styles…. It turns out that when we wrote the exam for that one not -so-great prof, my class scored a 69% (a failing grade) on his section. I struggled with it myself, but it turns out that I wasn’t the only one. It worked out that the other part of the exam was written by the paediatrician who is amazing. I’m sure that she is the reason that I passed. We had another new prof today (12 th of the semester). He seems strict (if you leave his 2 hour class to pee, you can’t come back in) but I like his teaching so far. Sara and I...