June update

It is mango season again! Lots of fresh fruit we can pick right off the trees. Still waiting on banana and papaya season. They have bananas at the grocery store so we can buy them there but it’s just so much better off the tree. It’s funny – the guys keep “forgetting” to eat their bananas and letting them go brown so I guess I can make a loaf with them!

I heard chirping outside our house the other night so we went to check it out and there was a flock of BATS flying around our trees. Kinda freaky but I stayed out for a few minutes to watch them because I thought they were pretty cool. They also eat the bugs so that's a bonus.

I presented a group project last Monday about TB for my Epidemiology class. There was another group that presented c. difficile which was pretty interesting since it is in the hospital at home.

We have had several different profs in and out recently (there are usually 2-4 profs per course and we have 6 courses) and it’s crazy the difference in the vibe of our class when we have a great prof vs when we have a prof that isn’t so great. It goes both ways – it is either awesome or frustrating – but it’s cool to be with a group of people who are so eager to learn that they want to be taught by the best. It’s a far cry from taking global geography at riverview high school – where people were only there because they had to be.

Some good meals I’ve made lately have been chicken with mushroom pasta, sausage penne, spaghetti with meat sauce, and a Mexican dip. (See Dad – I am eating!) I have been slacking on the taking pictures/food blogging thing because I get excited about eating. Ryan also barbequed steak and peppers on Tuesday after his exam... so good.

Phung sent me his snorkelling photos so I will upload some soon!


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