A day in this life

Sara and I walked (half way) home yesterday in an attempt to document the every day things we do on Saba.
The hike that I had time to do before classes started... 
 One of the few street signs/the only one we understand

The "main drag" of Windwardside

School bus that I take occasionally

Saba snack - our fav place to go out to eat

The good grocery store

Our car!

1 of the 2 banks on the island

Guidos - the pizza place/club/gym
A place I would never step foot into in Canada but it is the place to go on a weekend night here

Reminding ourselves that palm trees are pretty cool even though we see them everywhere

Post Office - where I pick up the packages you guys send!

Where we get our car fixed

Pretty walk

Above-ground graves

Police Station with the flags
Back at the house


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