Home for the Holidays

Happy Holidays! I had 18 glorious days in Nova Scotia where we did lots of winter activities including the Barra MacNeils Christmas show, skiing, family game night, and lots of Christmas shopping. We got snowed for days at a time but we spent those days wrapping and having holiday drinks at home. 

I fell in love with the most perfect little man, Camden AuCoin. He is the son of my beautiful friend Laura but I stress that we have the same last name because it makes me feel like an honorary aunt. This break was a little longer than most so I was able to have some long overdue catch ups with friends and family.

Although I'd like to think my cooking and baking skills are improving, nothing beats Mom's weekend breakfasts or having lobster at Dad's. As with every holiday season, there was a lot of food involved overall. Every day. It is going to take about 3 years on the elliptical just to burn off all the squares I ate. Tis the season, right?

I spent a few days in the hospital to shadow and gain some experience. I observed 6 surgeries and 2 epidurals for women in labour. I also attended a doctor recruitment event which was like a networking thing for medical students and residents and an opportunity for the health authority to encourage people to come home after they are done with their studies. I was able to meet many interesting people from various specialties including the man who did my eye surgery when I was 3 and was the first person to inspire me to be a physician. My relatives still tell the story of my walking around the hospital all those years ago saying I was going to be a doctor. I got the opportunity to tell him the influence he had on my life and he encouraged me to tour his office so he could make his case for me to join his field of ophthalmology. 
But for now... to enjoy NYC! I will post pictures and updates from our trip later.
Then I am off to Toronto with some of the best friends a girl could ask for.

I didn't take many pictures at home but I stole a few from Michelle. There are in random order because I am still figuring out how to find my way around this new macbook. 

From sand to snow in 10 hours...

My front yard

Me and sissy with Mom's tree

Annual Christmas fun run!

My gift for Miche and Maman


Dad's tree

Sibs on xmas eve

More snow every day

Christmas themed drinks


Home sweet home

Wine and baking - 2 of my favourite things


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