Toronto & Back to Saba

A continuation of my travels post-New York…

I flew North to Toronto to meet up with Allie and Steph for a girls weekend before heading back to Saba. When I finally arrived after being cancelled, rebooked, and delayed several times, the girls had an amazing weekend of activities planned. We had breakfast at Cora’s, went to visit a castle, and had supper at O’Noir – a restaurant where you eat in complete darkness and a blind waiter serves you. It was such a unique experience and I would recommend it to anyone in the Toronto (or Montreal) area. It was great just to relax in the hotel room and drink wine and eat snacks and catch up with the girls. I got to hear the updates of Steph’s road to grad school and Allie’s new job with the police force. I hope we can do it again soon.

My flights back to Saba and the ferry I ended up taking were a nightmare but I made it back in one piece. Fourth semester has shorter days (8-3) and only 3 classes to focus on so hopefully it will be better than third. I am feeling 100% healthy again so I am determined to have an active semester.  We have started back at the workouts on the roof, which I really enjoy. Living with a personal trainer definitely has its perks.

Our first weekend back, we did a girls night at Scout’s restaurant. I have an extra appreciation for girl talk since living with boys. I also went to the Saba Hell’s Gate Triathlon to cheer on Craig, Vicci, and Andrey who won the relay!

We drove down to The Cove the other day to get some sun for an hour. I love that spot because it is beautiful and it is enclosed from the waves. And there is just something about standing by the ocean with the sand between my toes that helps me recharge. We also did a Sunday afternoon working lunch at Tropics. I had the coconut shrimp wrap and read pathology terms by the pool. It *almost* felt like a mini Caribbean vacation.

I am still cooking quite often and have tried a few new things. I made my first pizza dough for Craig’s panzerrotis and I got the idea off pinterest to make bacon-wrapped chicken stuffed with red pepper and cheese. Mom also sent me back with all the tools to make the perfect garlic mashed potatoes.

We have started learning about cancer in pathology. Dr L began the discussion by talking about the ideas that most patients appear to have about cancer. It is interesting because the diagnosis of cancer seems to strike fear in people’s hearts significantly more than other diseases with comparable death rates. This concept definitely caught my attention because the perception that patients have about certain diseases had been shown to shape their treatment and recovery and cancer appears to be unique in that sense.

I have also started a 5 year journal called The Happiness Project. It is a great way to reflect back on each day and find something unique to write about. I kept a journal for so many years that I am trying to bring it back.

That's all I have for now. 
Until next time,


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