
"Medical School provides perhaps the best substantiation for Charles Darwin’s theory of natural selection. For here we see in its cruelest form of the survival of the fittest. Not the smartest, as one should expect. But the fittest to cope with the inhuman pressures, the demands made not only on the brain but on the psyche...”

Doctors by Erich Segal, 1989

I believe this quote was posted by one of my pharm profs. I thought it was so true because we always say that this program has been a “mental game” more than anything else. Most people have failed an exam here at some point (often for the first time in their lives) but it is the ability to get over it fast enough that can set people apart.  When I don’t do as well as I wanted, I often get a text from my Dad saying something like “Put it behind you and move on. I’m proud of you.” and that is exactly what I try to do.

My biggest challenge recently though is finding motivation - so I look for it wherever I can. It is one thing to make myself read through a lecture (or go for a quick workout or not to eat that piece of cake), but finding the drive to focus every hour of every day is on a whole new level. I know that I should be used to it by now, and it has definitely become a routine, but it is still something I struggle with regularly. This is when having a study partner is most valuable to me because otherwise I don’t think I could resist watching the newest Pretty Little Liars episode every week. I also find inspirational quotes on the student server and on pinterest in hopes that they will give me that little extra push. I thought I would share a few (self-revealing ones) with you.

And also these funny ones... hehe.


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