Queen's, Tropics, & Superbowl
It turns out that fourth semester is, in fact, better than third. The workload is probably the same but we actually have the time to learn it properly. I am very pleased with my marks on block 1 and I have actually left the house to do things and see people so it is off to a great start.
Sunday was, of course, the Superbowl and our American friends go all out. We all brought a dish potluck-style and there was about 30 of us so you can just imagine the food. Wings, nacho dips, and so much more.
Jello shots
Setting up the betting
Me and Bal - slight height difference
My spider cookies!
Sunday afternoon, we went down to Queen's Garden Resort because Craig had received a gift certificate from there for winning the triathlon. The food was great and the pool was refreshing. I had the smoked salmon and peanut butter ice cream cake. It was (just a tad) classier than our normal routine and it was the most perfect weather to top it off.
A few pictures after our CSA's (clinical skills assessments).
I received some great positive feedback from my evaluating professor which was very motivating to continue to work hard in my Physical Diagnosis class. Sometimes it can be easy to neglect when there are more demanding courses, but I know I am learning skills that I will need during my clinical rotations.
Going to Queen's was a treat, but it is Tropics that has become our new go-to spot.
We have been stopping over for lunch on the weekends (we study while we wait for the food, I swear) and we were even able to catch some sun post-exams.
I also went there on my own to get a pina colada, eat sorbet out of a martini glass, and sit in the sun when I had to go there to book a hotel room for Dad/Mom/whoever visits me in August! This was on my "day off" that I took for myself to refresh after exams. It also consisted of baking banana loaf (my favourite), banana chocolate chip muffins (the boys' favourite), and cooking meatballs with rice (Mom's recipe of course).
Happy Chinese New Year!
To all my Asians: Jackie, Bev, Jane, Phung, and Tommy.
We took pictures and ate fried rice and noodles to celebrate.
As you can tell from this post and several others, I like to piggyback off the excitement of other people's holidays. I always appreciate being invited to celebrate with the people close to me during the days that are special to them.
Part of our curriculum here includes what we call an RLRA which is basically a mini thesis and our topics came out this week. None of them were really jumping out at me so I spoke to one of the psychologists and he is willing to take on a brand new topic with me. We discussed some ideas that we would both be interested in so I will post an update when we get it down to a hypothesis and it (hopefully) gets approved.
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