First rotation complete

Family Medicine is complete! It was such a great experience overall. The most fun of my medical career to date and I learned so much. I rotated working with 4 different physicians, but I was also able to work with other MD's/DO's, Physician Assistants, and Nurse Practitioners which was great because it feels like a team healthcare effort. It has been interesting seeing different styles and approaches with patients. Dr. B required us to present patients in a formal way. Dr. P did a lot of wound care and he often treated psychiatric illnesses in the primary care setting. Dr. O saw many HIV and hepatitis B & C patients which was a unique demographic to get to work with. We have had the opportunity to see cookie-cutter cases of acute illnesses, patients dealing with several chronic conditions at once, and diseases I've never heard of before. I had the chance to do pap tests with cultures, breast exams, digital rectal exams, wound care, and injections. Even the simp...