The Wizarding World of Harry Potter

We drove north to Orlando this weekend to visit Craig's Aunt/Uncle/cousins and spent a day at Universal Studios. 

I had a great experience "living" through Harry Potter's world. Seriously, it was amazing.
The Wizarding World of Harry Potter was split into two sections (Hogsmeade/Hogwarts and Diagon Alley/Muggle London) and then The Hogwarts Express travelled between them.

Walking through the castle was awesome on its own.
The pictures were moving and the sorting hat was talking and there was so much detail put into everything that it really enhanced the experience.

It had many of the shops that the characters go into in the books and the kids had wands that they could use to move things around in the window displays.
The ride in the castle had simulations that made you feel like you were flying over Hogwarts and playing quittich. 

feat. Bertie Botts Every Flavour Beans

♥ ♥ 

Butterbeer... so good. 
Went back for butterbeer ice cream after this

Diagon Alley
The pictures don't do justice to how amazing this was.
There were several streets done up with shops, restaurants, shows, and rides.
We did a roller coaster ride in a cart through Gringotts 

Hogwarts Express
Fully functional train in a train station that travels between the parks

9 3/4

Spotted: the Weasley's old car in the trees

A little rain couldn't keep us away!
Such a blast!


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