First rotation complete

Family Medicine is complete!

It was such a great experience overall. The most fun of my medical career to date and I learned so much. I rotated working with 4 different physicians, but I was also able to work with other MD's/DO's, Physician Assistants, and Nurse Practitioners which was great because it feels like a team healthcare effort.

It has been interesting seeing different styles and approaches with patients.
Dr. B required us to present patients in a formal way.
Dr. P did a lot of wound care and he often treated psychiatric illnesses in the primary care setting.
Dr. O saw many HIV and hepatitis B & C patients which was a unique demographic to get to work with.

We have had the opportunity to see cookie-cutter cases of acute illnesses, patients dealing with several chronic conditions at once, and diseases I've never heard of before. I had the chance to do pap tests with cultures, breast exams, digital rectal exams, wound care, and injections. Even the simple things like ear irrigation and testing hearing are so exciting at this point. And there are things we learned in school that were important for the exams (ex: lisinopril can cause cough, alendronate can cause esophageal irritation) that are ACTUALLY real things that we see in real life. It is pretty cool. And what makes it even better is that the other students I'm with are just as new and excited as me so we share stories about what we saw and what we did.

In personal news: I am getting over being sick with the flu, we still love our place, Craig is doing well, I lost 12 pounds, and the people here still think we're crazy for walking around without jackets. So things are good!

We have gone to some amazing restaurants with our preceptor and the pharm reps. We have also been to NHL/NBA games, the Wynwood Art District, Hollywood Beach, and Miami Zoo. Exploring the city one day off at a time!

Psychiatry starts today. Wish me luck!

Dinner at The Capitol Grille

Views of the city

Miami Heat Game 

Dinner at Two Chefs

Wynwood Art District 
with friends from Saba

My favourite reading nook

Hollywood Beach

Food trucks in Hollywood

HABS vs panthers 
The nosebleeds were 50% habs fan so it made for an awesome atmosphere

Our landlord is adorable

Baking with Amanda for her office
5 dozen cupcakes, 4 pans of brownies, and 2 pans of squares

Dinner at Estiatorio Milos by Costas Spiliadis
One of the best meals I've ever had

Just when I thought my lizard days were over...

Miami Zoo


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