Newark & NYC

Travelled to Newark, New Jersey for 2 consecutive weekends to try and write an exam because that is exactly what I want to be doing with my life.

The first trip, we were met with Winter Storm Jonas - the second biggest storm that NYC has ever seen (or at least since they started measuring in the 1880's).
We got about 70cm in under 24 hours over in Newark.
Public transit was down.
There was a travel ban.
We WALKED to our exam just for them to tell us it was cancelled.
And then we got stuck for 5 days.

The second trip, we were able to complete (and pass!) the Kaplan Step 2 CS which is basically a practice test and a course to prepare for the “real” USMLE Step 2 CS. It was a 12 hour day interviewing and examining and counselling 12 standardized patients and then reviewing how you did. The test itself was challenging but getting the feedback was honestly even harder. 
“As lovely as your smile is, it was inappropriate for this situation.”
“You didn’t place the sheet over me correctly.”
“You should have sat on a stool so that we could make more comfortable eye contact."
“Did I really need to turn onto my back and then my side and then my back again?"
Simple things. But they stick with you.
Do these things make me a less-than-great provider? Are my real patients thinking these things?
Taking criticism is difficult. At least I know I'm not the only one who thought so.

So after this logistical nightmare, we have decided to postpone a rotation and take more time to study for the USMLE Step 2 CK (American board exam) and the MCCEE (Canadian board exam). So that means that I’m coming home in 3 weeks!

Walking to the exam the first time... and then walking back past all the cars stuck in the snow

Storm from our hotel window...

Vs. when it cleared the next day

We made a pit stop in Times Square!

The only redeeming part of this weekend was crashing with friends in Brooklyn, ordering food, and drinking beer!

Trip #2
One definite perk was getting flights and hotel all paid for by Kaplan
Only had to stay 2 nights this time

Supper at Tops Diner


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