Small Town USA

Delayed post with some pictures from our time in Houma, Louisiana...

Drive down the bayou
Look at what the ground is made up of (hint: it's not rocks)

Ready for the (next) flood
All the houses are like this


Not posed AT ALL

Last day of Internal Med with my group

Dive bars and music festivals

Pumpkin cupcakes with cream cheese pumpkin frosting
& Girls night wouldn't be girls night without chocolate

Walk Ons - our fav sports bar
& Sara's birthday cheesecakes

Frog legs at Dad's new favourite restaurant - Boudreau and Thibodeau's!

Learning about the Acadians/Cajuns at the cultural centre and speaking Cajun French with the locals

Ann's 30th birthday!

When your backyard floods and your landlords just tell you not to go into the yard in case of alligators...

The crew together for American Thanksgiving

Shooting range with Rich and Sherri

My favourite group!


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