Block 4

We had a Health Fair for the community today. The locals could come to the university and get free medical services. So the second semesters got to perform ECG and spirometry, the thirds did glucose levels, the fourths did patient history and cholesterol, and the fifths got to do the consult and analyze all the results in the end. My group did ECG which is basically a test for your heart. It was really cool to work with patients from the community and apply clinical skills.

The Prime Minister of the Netherlands is doing a visit of Saba and the university next week! There is going to be international press and photographers and all that which basically means we have to dress up.

I just registered for THIRD semester in fall 2013. Crazy how time flies.

I went to Midway last night which is the big night out of the semester. It was a lot of fun dancing with the girls and it was great just to get out and see everyone outside of sportwear. Couple pictures to follow.

Ramadan has started for the Muslims which means that a good chunk of our class is currently fasting. Lots of tired and hungry people.

Shout out to Dad who is still in Calgary post-flooding! Have a safe flight home.

We are in the process of planning a NYC trip so travelling friends - send me a message with ideas/tips/your experience there!

There were some "adjustments" to our genetics marks that I had posted about so I got a nice little boost there which I'm happy about.

Less than 5 weeks until I fly off this little island! Then one night in philly before I make it to nova scotia on the 16th. I am looking forward to some famjam time and to seeing Laura's baby belly!!!!


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