
We went for a snorkel trip after our exam on Tuesday! To celebrate another successful block.
Some pictures...
You know on Finding Nemo when all the fish get together to make shapes?
That's what this reminded me of!

Just keep swimming...

This is what it looks like in the midst of all those fish



Me again

Boys climbing cliffs
That's me - bottom left just floating around

Swimming through a cave

Beach all to ourselves :)

Frolicking in the waves

I wrote Saba 2013 in the sand.
When I ran to grab my camera, a big wave came and threatened to ruin my masterpiece but Craig dove in front of it haha

Pretending I was on vacation...

So happy to be done exams and playing in the sand
And these are some older pictures from earlier in the semester during snorkel adventures
That's a shark...

Lion fish towards the bottom

Me and Vicki

Looks like Matt is the tour guide haha

Sting ray


They are so chill to swim with

Saying hello above water

From below


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