Doctor-in-training talk

There was a great article from CBC recently that I thought I would share.
It's called: Doctors prescribe fruit, vegetables to obese patients in NYC.
Sometimes it's frustrating to be learning about all these different drugs for high blood pressure, obesity, etc. when the most effective treatment is often eating better and exercising.
After 7 months of med school, I feel like I`ve barely scratched the surface. But I hope that I continue to value preventative medicine in my career, encouraging my patients to make healthy lifestyle choices. Stop smoking. Watch portion sizes. Go for a walk. And read this article! It`s a pretty neat idea. I hope it catches on.
Mental health is important too (psych major over here) so in the meantime, a few funnies...
Very true of what I'm doing now  
Why you go see your doctor instead of "googling it" haha


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