Block I

Quick update while I am on a study break.

First set of exams - what we call "block exams" - are Monday and Tuesday so it has been pretty intense for studying lately.

I am hoping to take a few hours on Tuesday after the exams to relax, go down to the water to do some snorkeling, and have a glass of wine (or two).

We picked a coconut off the tree yesterday and drank the coconut juice out of it. Yum.

The novelty of the beautiful weather and scenery has not worn off yet - such a great mood booster.

I learned pretty quickly that my love for anatomy greatly exceeds my love (or lack thereof) of histology. I love taking courses that I find interesting and that I feel are relevant to my future career, but of course learning the basics comes with some dry material too.

We kept track of who we were meeting and we have someone in our class from each of the 10 Canadian provinces (5 Nova Scotians!) and many US states. It has also been so interesting meeting people who were born all over the world and who speak so many different languages.

Lots of stressed out people around at this point pre-exams, but I've managed to stay positive (for the most part) just from working steady every day (not cramming) and having positive people around me. The cadavers became easier to work with each day and I am very grateful that someone, somewhere donated their body "to science" so my classmates and I could learn the skills to help others.


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