Well's Bay

Some more pics of us down by the water... how original. But it is pretty much the only active thing to do for fun here besides hiking. We scheduled a study break for Saturday afternoon and got some sun. The water was (again) too rough to swim, but we frolicked in the waves and got a little tanning in. I love exploring different parts of the island - we've tried to go to a new place each time recently.
Our neighbours upstairs invited my roommates and I over for supper Saturday night and we had the most delicious pasta I've had in a while. We wanted to bring a nice bottle of wine over, so I went down to the grocery store and found the most expensive bottle I could find. It was 18 dollars.
We said we would have them over next time so if anyone has any easy recipes to feed 8-10 people... send them over.
I am really missing having the option of Tim's or Subway or any fast food at all. Also my vaccuum-sealed milk is just not cutting it. One treat I've discovered though is Bailey's ice cream. So good.

Little shout out to Dan on a successful job fair - can't wait to see where I will be visiting next year. :)
Well's Bay

Unfortunately the camera couldn't make the entire trek around the water once it got too rough... but here is where we started

Melissa Me and Sarah

Little rough


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