Orientation & Tour

Orientation and Registration went well today. We got an introduction from the deans, submitted all of our immigration forms, got pictures taken, learned about the local laws, registered our laptops for the wireless internet, and did a tour of the island.
All of my roommates arrived so we sat together today and we are getting to know each other.
Classes tomorrow! Just did some pre-reading and looking forward to experiencing the first of my typical days here.
Stopped to take a photo at the entrance to the hike we did the other day
Town of Windwardside


The landing strip our plane came in on

Very rugged coastline

Island in the distance

The airport - I have officially seen one smaller than Sydney

Our group during the island tour

Down by the water near the airport

If you look closely you can see the buildings towards the top - that is where the first group photo was taken
The Bottom



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