White Coat Ceremony + Updates

Survived the first week of classes!

The volume of work we have so far is overwhelming (and scary to think of what's ahead), but I`ve been doing my best to keep up with it each night so I`ll be prepared when it`s no longer review of courses I`ve already taken.

We started dissection on the cadavers in the lab. I was nervous at first, but it wasn`t as weird/smelly as I thought and it actually turned out to be really fun and informative.

My roommates are great - we are officially attached at the hips.

Of course I would catch a cold after a week in the caribbean after not being sick for months in the cold canadian weather.

Last night was our White Coat Ceremony to welcome the first semesters into the profession. It was followed by a meet and greet with our mentors and a party at a pub afterwards. See pics!

White Coat Ceremony with my roommates :)

Me and Brenda

Adam Me and Brian

Me and Jane

X-ring picture!

Nova Scotians at Saba


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