The Cove

First set of block exams are over and block II is in full swing. Figured I would update here before getting around to responding to your e-mails because that may take a little longer.
We went down to the water to swim/snorkel after blocks. It was a little too rough to go out very far at all, but sitting in the shallow water with a few drinks wasn't so bad either. Afterwards, we went to supper at a place called Saba's Treasure and I had a cheeseburger and sweet potato fries which was such a treat... red meat is hard to come by here.
We have a 2 hour break at lunch today so I'm pretty excited to be sitting on the balcony in the sun. It's "82 degrees" here right now which is about 28 degrees Celsius.
 School work has been steady... and by that I mean it is non-stop so I don't really do anything else. We have switched up some study habits though in hopes that next blocks will go even better.
PS I check my mailbox every day JUST in case, for those of you who have my address ;)
At The Cove after block exams
Happy to be done
3/4ths of Team Nova Scotia


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